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    <font size="1" color="#198964">Install <a href="/qora.htm">Qora</a> and use 
    <a href="">localhost(default tcp:9090)</a> to browse Qora web3 
    hyperlinks here(this web3site), offline(database snapshot) or online(real-time database), 100% censorship-resistant.</font><br><br><br> 
       <a href="/i/a">/i/a index</a><br>
       web3 by Qora decentralized web directory<br><br>
       <a href="/0x0y0z">XYZ Web3 Space</a><br>
       Create web3page & collect stars to win <a href="/0x1y0z">Bounties</a><br><br>
       <a href="/artists/nft">/artists/nft NFT</a><br>
       OpenSea NFT Qora tokens airdrop<br><br>
       <a href="/freecity">/FreeCity</a> 自由天地<br>
       FreeCity : web freedom dweb by okchai <br><br>
       <a href="/timmedia">/timmedia</a> 錫傳媒<br>
       TIM Media : decentralized power by Qora and IPFS<br><br>
       <a href="/6p">/6p social media </a>社交媒體<br>
       Web3 version Facebook-Twitter-Youtube<br>
       The power of Qora + IPFS<br><br>
       <a href="/timah">/Timah</a><br>
       Timah and TIM token official page<br><br>
       <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?asset=192">TIMAH token</a><br>
       Blockexplorer for Timah token<br><br>
       <a href="/qora.htm">/Qora.htm</a> 旮旯軟件<br>
       Qora software installation guide<br><br>
       <a href="/ceqa">/CEQA</a><br>
       Corporate Enterprise Qora Alliance<br><br>
       <a href="/qns">/qns</a><br>
       Qora Naming Service<br><br>
       <a href="/quniversity">/quniversity</a><br>
       Quniversity : Freedom is not free<br><br>
       <a href="/twindao">/TwinDAO</a><br>
       TwinDAO project and TwinDAO token<br><br>
       <a href="/defi">/DeFi</a><br>
       DeFi using Qora, Ardor and Ignis.<br><br>
       <a href="/itube">/iTube</a><br>
       Decentralized video streaming power by Qora and IPFS<br><br>
       <a href="/index.htm">/index.htm</a> kianchai<br>
       Kianchai's web3 page<br><br>
       <a href="/aitway">/aitway</a> 壹位電腦<br>
       decentralized web for Aitway, a company in Singapore<br><br>
       <a href="/aitway_v2">/aitway_v2</a><br>
       Aitway V2 marketing project<br><br>
       <a href="/artists">/artists</a><br>
       Pixels drawing using PNG files <br><br>
       <a href="/freecity/blokchain1.htm">/freecity/blokchain1.htm</a><br>
       blokchain ebook by okchai<br><br>
       <a href="/iquotes">/iquotes</a><br>
       quotes <br><br><br>
      <b>Recommended Qblog 旮旯博</b><br><br>  
      <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=okchai">okchai</a><br>
      Anything about Qora and web3 by okchai<br><br> 
      <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=freecity">freecity</a><br>
      FreeCity Qblog<br><br> 
      <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=aitway_v2">aitway_v2</a><br>
      aitway-v2 Qblog<br><br> 
      <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=pokemongo">pokemongo</a><br>
      a Pokemon Go Qblog<br><br> 
      <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=scorpion">scorpion</a><br>
      Qora developer <br><br> 
      <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=qora.team">qora.team</a><br>
      Qora developer <br><br> 
      <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=qora.tutorials">qora.tutorials</a><br>
      Qora developer <br><br> 
        <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=skerberus">skerberus</a><br>
      Qora developer <br><br><br><br>
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    <font size="1" color="#198964"><u>hyperlinks above this line are on Qora blockchain or any web3 platforms.</u><br>
      <font size="1" color="#198964">hyperlinks below this line are belong to ICANN World Wide Web and NOT censorship-resistant.</font> 
      <b>World Wide Web</b><br><br>
      <a href="https://www.patreon.com/blokchain">Patreon : blokchain</a><br>
      by okchai SGD4.50 / month <br>
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      <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ong.kianchai">Facebook : ong.kianchai</a><br>
      okchai, Facebook<br>
     <font size="1"><a target="_tab" href="/index/showpost.html?msg=2ijD3az6rrWxH5imZ7q6YUioR7pJkCMLTaXGRjgRgonrZtuv2jqYEqhypb7wKyZztnStHnMH1QLz3D658HKu8qhc">SPONSORED &#24291;&#21578;</a></font><br><br><br>
      <a href="https://twitter.com/ongkianchai">Twitter : ongkianchai</a><br>
      okchai, Twitter<br>
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      <a href="https://aitway.com.sg/index.php?route=product/product&path=24&product_id=83">
      Buy a QNS aitway's store</a><br>
    Qora Naming Service <a href="/qns">(QNS)</a>. This is AITWAY's Qora as a service (QaaS) 
    product, a centralized service to register and own a QNS.<br>
    <font size="1"><a target="_tab" href="/index/showpost.html?msg=2ijD3az6rrWxH5imZ7q6YUioR7pJkCMLTaXGRjgRgonrZtuv2jqYEqhypb7wKyZztnStHnMH1QLz3D658HKu8qhc">SPONSORED &#24291;&#21578;</a></font><br><br><br><br>
      <font size="1" color="#198964">hyperlinks NOT censorship-resistant END here.</font> 
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    <p><b>You are welcome to become a node for this decentralized web. We can help you host your website on the blockchain.</b></p>
    <h1>Now, Qora is a million-block blockchain, 10 years!</h1>
    1 July 2024, by <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=okchai">Okchai</a><br><br>
    Qora <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?block=1000000">block #1000000</a> was just forged at 3:02:31PM on July 1, 2024(SG/KL time). Ten years ago, the genesis or <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?block=1">block #1</a> was forged on May 16, 2014. Qora raised 125.53724036BTC during its ICO. The address used was <a href="https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/btc/1LDKa5i4qxzvQNoQpwU5es3aq9c95ooSFg">1LDKa5i4qxzvQNoQpwU5es3aq9c95ooSFg</a>.<br><br>
    Qora, with more than 10 years of history, is older than most popular blockchain projects, including Ethereum and Zcash, and is a pioneer of decentralized webpages or Web3. All content on this webpage has been saved on the Qora blockchain, including most of the pictures.<br><br>
    <p align=center>
    <img border="0" src="/2ndtest/meganfox"  width="28%"><br>Megan Fox's picture<br> was saved in Qora(not by me). <br>http://(Qora IP address)/2ndtest/meganfox<br>
    <h1>Qora Renaissance 2023</h1>
    1 June 2023, by <a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=okchai">Okchai</a><br><br>
    Qora used to be a very active decentralized blockchain platform, but now it's almost only me 
    (<a href="/index/blog.html?blogname=okchai">okchai</a>) alone. It's not just lonely; it is very centralized, and I must do something to make it decentralized again.<br><br>
    <b>The original plan for Qora NFTs Airdrop</b><br>
    <b>135 GenesisX series Qora assets have been created by Qora address
     <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?addr=QLhSqpfwqpCC6D6VVXCt5PzP7Bx9at6eNX">
    <font size="1">QLhSqpfwqpCC6D6VVXCt5PzP7Bx9at6eNX</font></a></b>,
    The assets can function as NFTs, named from <b>Genesis0</b> to <b>Genesis134</b>.<br>
    The original idea was to create NFTs using the genesis addresses in the Qora genesis block
    (<a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?block=1">Block 1</a>), and then airdrop the NFTs to each genesis address accordingly. "The NFT <b>Genesis1</b> has already been sent to the genesis #1 address, 
    <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?tx=5cw9sdYYUHV81KpuMBfGH8aY6q1HUZXDFoMppDxfVPN5kCVZ4EN9TyBybStWKgCktB8J48d5FbWLSL7D3Qd9zPBB">QUD9y7--</a>. Then, I reconsidered and became concerned that most of the genesis addresses are not active or lost, so I changed my Airdrop plan, 
    make the GenesisX series NFTs more usable.<br><br>
    <b>The new idea is that a Qora asset named Genesis was created</b>, which is not an NFT but but a single quantity that is divisible, a single token represents the spirit of Qora users united as one to build a decentralized blockchain. A very small number, 0.00000005, of the Genesis token has been airdropped to all <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?top=allnotzero&asset=377">
    Qora genesis addresses</a>, another airdrop of
     <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?tx=45hAG7wgu5wavbUpeGUkMRwWr6Mana4udjQ6F5eS8GBMsEMWFRUW6kJi3xQ91dUHxpKWxU25RCYtetRnj4LETm6p">1.5 Timah </a> has also been sent.<br> In order to receive the GenesisX series NFTs, the owners of Qora genesis addresses need to sell Genesis or Timah at the Qora Decentralized Exchange (DEX) to prove that the address is active 
    (view DEX : <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?asset=377&asset=0"> Genesis </a> and 
    <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?asset=192&asset=0"> Timah </a> ). Once the owners prove that the addresses are still active within a period of time, the NFTs will be sent to the addresses.<br><br>
    <b>Unclaimed GenesisX series NFTs will be open for all Qora users to mint.</b> 
    For this purpose, 135 indivisible <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?asset=379&asset=0">Gen tokens</a> were created and listed on the Qora DEX for sale at a minimum price of 1,000,000 Qora per Gen. Qora users who own the Gen can participate in Qora Proof of Stake for new block generation and mint the unclaimed GenesisX series NFTs.<br><br>
    <b>GenesisX series minting terms :<br><br>
    1. The Qora address owns a Gen token.<br><br>
    2. The Qora address becomes a Qora block generator.<br><br>
    3. Genesis1 to Genesis10 : 1,000 blocks were generated after owning the Gen token.<br><br>
    4. Genesis11 to Genesis50 : 5,000 blocks were generated after owning the Gen token.<br><br>
    5. Genesis51 to Genesis100 : 10,000 blocks were generated after owning the Gen token.<br><br>
    6. Genesis101 to Genesis134 : 20,000 blocks were generated after owning the Gen token.<br><br>
    7. While the NFTs are in stock.<br><br>
    8. By owning the GenesisX series NFTs, when a new block is generated and the Proof-of-Stake (POS) fee is 0, the Qora address can claim some Timah for each zero-fee generated block. 
    The Timah reward formula will be updated from time to time for the GenesisX series NFTs. Basically, each NFT has a unique genesis address in <a href="/index/blockexplorer.html?block=1">Block 1</a>, the address with a higher amount of Qora received at the genesis block will receive a higher Timah reward. <br><br></b>  
    If my plan works, it will be a kind of redecentralization. I call it 
    <b>Qora Renaissance 2023</b>.<br><br>
    <h1><u>web3</u> /] <u>Qora</u></h1>
    <h2>Why do we want Qora?</h2>
    4 May 2023<br>
     <a href="/qora.htm"><img border="0" src="/2ndtest/qorabanner.jpg"  width="100%"></a><br>
    First 6 years at Tanjong Pagar Xchange and then 10 years at International Plaza, AITWAY not only provides traditional computer services, but also web3 and blockchain services. Our web3 services are based on Qora, with other web3 platforms as supplements. Ardor-Ignis, IPFS, and Siacoin storage all have great potential as web3 platforms.<br><br>
    AITWAY and I(okchai) are committed to creating a true web3 platform. Technically speaking, the most basic application requirement is to resist any form of censorship. A simple localhost to the  personal computer is necessary, and Qora is well-positioned in this regard. Unfortunately, the nodes that do PoS are not widespread enough and tend to be centralized. AITWAY, as a profit-making company, naturally aims to make money from web3, but promoting the use of Qora to foster a thriving web3 ecosystem is our ideal vision.<br><br>
    To write data into the Qora blockchain, Qora tokens must first be obtained. Qora has a decentralized token trading platform (DEX), as does the Ardor-Ignis blockchain. The value of Qora, Ardor, and Ignis tokens is determined by the market. In order to provide the public with a DEX channel to obtain Qora tokens, I(okchai) have issued Timah and TIM tokens on the Qora and Ignis blockchains, respectively. The value of both tokens is determined by okchai(me), and they are equivalent in value. The purpose is to transport value between Qora and Ignis blockchains. Ignis tokens can be exchanged for Bitcoin on some trading platforms, and after obtaining Ignis tokens, some TIM can be exchanged on its blockchain's DEX. AITWAY provides a service to help customers exchange TIM for Timah on the Qora blockchain, and Timah can be exchanged for Qora tokens on the Qora blockchain's DEX. Several thousand Qora tokens are enough to write a considerable amount of text data. If you are interested in maintaining the security of the Qora blockchain, you can collect more Qora tokens to do PoS. Qora, Ardor, and Ignis tokens are all highly volatile cryptocurrencies, and the risk of collecting tokens must be evaluated by individuals. AITWAY and I(okchai) do not recommend that individual investors collect large amounts of Timah or TIM. Collecting Timah and TIM only means supporting any plans okchai has for Qora and web3.<br><br>
    The use of Timah and TIM as intermediaries to obtain Qora is purely a mechanism consideration. 99% of Qora tokens are hibernating in the market, and only a meager 1% of Qora is active, mostly in okchai's Qora wallets. Qora currently has no programmers responsible for software improvements. The biggest challenge for the lack of a programming team is how to prepare for the arrival of quantum computing, although that will be decades, or even centuries, away. In terms of web3 applications, HTML webpages rely on browsers to present the interface design. Qora node as a webserver only stores and distributes HTML documents. Focus on Ccontent is the main way to cope with future technological changes, and HTML will not become obsolete anytime soon. However, if we want to go further, it is necessary to establish a programming team to maintain Qora's software improvements.<br><br>
    Using Qora for web3, you can make your 100% fully own website. We welcome everyone to take action to promote Qora, a web3.<br><br><br>
    6 年在丹戎巴葛小店, 然後10 年在凱聯大廈小工作室,壹位電腦公司不只提供傳統電腦服務,目前也提供 web3 和區塊鏈方案,我們的 web3 服務以旮旯(Qora) 為本,其它 web3 平台為輔。Ardor-Ignis,IPFS和 Siacoin 儲存空間都是有莫大潛能的 web3 平台。<br><br>
    壹位電腦和我(okchai)本人致力做真正的 web3 平台,技術而言,最基本的應用條件是能抵抗任何形式的審查,簡易的 localhost 管道是必要,旮旯區塊鏈在這方面很到位,可惜做 PoS 的節點 node 還不夠廣泛而傾向中央制 。壹位電腦身為一家盈利公司,搞 web3 當然是為了賺錢,而推廣旮旯用途讓 web3 百花齊放是理想願景。<br><br>
    要寫入數據到旮旯區塊鏈,必須先取得旮旯 token。 旮旯有去中心化的 token 交易平台(DEX),Ardor-Ignis 區塊鏈也有。Qora, Ardor 和 Ignis 的 token 價值由市場決定,為了讓大眾有個 DEX 管道取得 旮旯 token,我 okchai 在 Qora 和 Ignis 區塊鏈上分別發行了 Timah 和 TIM token,兩者的價值由我決定,Timah 和 TIM 等值,目的是要在 Qora 和 Ignis 之間做價值輸送。Ignis 在一些交易平台可以用比特幣兌換,取得 Ignis 後可以在其區塊鏈的 DEX 上換取一些 TIM,壹位電腦有個服務是幫忙客戶把 TIM 換成在旮旯區塊鏈上的 Timah,在旮旯區塊鏈上的 DEX 可以把 Timah 換成 Qora token。幾千個 Qora  token就足夠寫入相當多文字數據,如果有意維持旮旯區塊鏈安全,可以收多一些  Qora token 做 PoS。Qora,Ardor 和 Ignis token 都是價值波動非常大的加密代幣,收藏 token 風險必須自己評估。壹位電腦和 okchai  都不建議散戶收大量 Timah 或 TIM,堅持要收 Timah 和 TIM意義上就只是支持 okchai 做 Qora 和 web3 的任何計劃。<br><br>
    以 Timah 和 TIM 隔一層來取得 Qora token,純粹是機制考量,99% Qora token 在市場上冬眠,活躍的 Qora 只有區區 1%,多半都在是 okchai 的多個旮旯錢包裡。旮旯目前完全沒有程式師負責軟件改善,沒有程式師團隊最大的挑戰是如何迎接量子運算的到來,雖然那時幾十年甚至是百年後的事。web3 應用方面,HTML 網頁靠瀏覽器呈現界面設計,網頁伺服器 Qora Node 只是負責儲存和發放 HTML 文檔,以內容為主要應對未來科技變革依舊有發揮空間,而HTML 暫時不會過時。無論如何,如果要走得遠,成立程式師團隊維持旮旯軟件的改善是必要。<br><br>
    以旮旯做 web3,自己的網頁自己做主,歡迎大家以行動推廣 web3 旮旯。<br><br><br>  
    <font size="1"><a target="_tab" href="/index/showpost.html?msg=2ijD3az6rrWxH5imZ7q6YUioR7pJkCMLTaXGRjgRgonrZtuv2jqYEqhypb7wKyZztnStHnMH1QLz3D658HKu8qhc">SPONSORED</a></font>
     <a href="/aitway"><img border="0" src="https://aitway.com/pics/cityview2.jpg"  width="100%">
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    <h2>Ask chatGPT : What is Qora blockchain? </h2>
    4 May 2023<br>
    <img border="0" src="https://aitway.com/pics/qora_gpt.png"  width="80%"><br><br>
    Qora is a decentralized blockchain platform designed to enable users to build and deploy decentralized applications (dApps). It was created in 2014 by a group of developers who aimed to build a platform that would be easy to use and would offer users the ability to create custom tokens and launch their own cryptocurrencies.<br><br>
    One of the main features of Qora is its Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm, which allows users to validate transactions and earn rewards in proportion to the amount of Qora they hold. This makes it more energy-efficient than Proof-of-Work (PoW) blockchains like Bitcoin.<br><br>
    Qora also offers a built-in decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies and tokens directly on the platform, without the need for intermediaries. The platform also supports smart contracts and atomic swaps, which enable secure, peer-to-peer trading between different cryptocurrencies.<br><br>
    Overall, Qora aims to provide a flexible, user-friendly platform for creating and deploying decentralized applications, without the need for extensive technical knowledge or expertise.<br><br>
    <h2> " ] "  QNS taken by okchai</h2>
    3 May 2023<br>
    <a target="_tab" href="/index/blockexplorer.html?block=897391"> block record for " ] " </a> <br>
     " ] ", the bracket character, is the only single char QNS left for register in 2023, now it was taken by okchai, and it had been used for this web3 site, 
    (qora gateway)/] or localhost/],  Qora gateway domain or IP address ended with " /] " will call out this(what you see now) website. <br>
    <div class="footer">
    <font size="1"><a target="_tab" href="/index/showpost.html?msg=2ijD3az6rrWxH5imZ7q6YUioR7pJkCMLTaXGRjgRgonrZtuv2jqYEqhypb7wKyZztnStHnMH1QLz3D658HKu8qhc">SPONSORED &#24291;&#21578;</a></font> | 
    <a href="/aitway_v2">/aitway_v2</a> : AITWAY provides a limited tokens custody service with the aim of facilitating customers' access to Qora web3. It's best for customers to keep their own tokens secure. 壹位電腦提供有限度 token 託管服務,目的是要方便客戶取用旮旯 web3 ,自己的 token 最好自己保管。| 
    <font size="1"><a target="_tab" href="/index/showpost.html?msg=2ijD3az6rrWxH5imZ7q6YUioR7pJkCMLTaXGRjgRgonrZtuv2jqYEqhypb7wKyZztnStHnMH1QLz3D658HKu8qhc">SPONSORED &#24291;&#21578;</a></font><br><br>
                  Qora gateway list :
                  <a href="http://qora2.com">qora2.com</a> |
                  <a href="http://qora.co.uk">qora.co.uk</a> | 
                  <a href="http://keppelroad.com">keppelroad.com</a> |      
                  <a href="http://yawti.com:9090">yawti.com:9090</a> |  
                  <a href="http://aitway.com:9090">aitway.com:9090</a> |      
    	      <a href="http://aitway.com.sg:9090">aitway.com.sg:9090</a> |
                  <a href="http://yawtia.com:9090">yawtia.com:9090</a> | 
                  <a href=""></a> |
                  <a href=""></a> |
                  <a href=""></a> |<br>
                  ICANN domains are pointed to a Qora gateway and some are up for sale.<br>
     <font size="4">
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